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Re: Steam Boiler Overfilling!?

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Posted by HeatPro on December 04, 2004 at 10:12:52:

In Reply to: Steam Boiler Overfilling!? posted by Mike on December 04, 2004 at 09:03:34:

There seems to be some misunderstanding of what the controls are supposed to do and how the heating system is supposed to work. As 1 pound of steam pressure can send steaqm in a heated pipe 2/3 of a mile high, the tallest building in the world can be served by one psig. There are some steam heating systems with small pipes that require higher pressure, but they are unusual, and mentioning that the lowest pressure your system works at is 3 psig shows some disinforming. Some 2-pipe traps do require 2 psig to operate properly; but without defining what kind of system it is there is no hope of analysis.

High steam pressures will drive steam up into the system and hold the condensate water within trapped areas like radiators and pipe changes of direction.

Obviously, there is an automatic feeder involved in the problem that overfeeds while condensate water is held up in the system during a heating cycle. More information can lead to a solution.

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