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Posted by Jack, CVMS on December 09, 2003 at 20:49:29:
In Reply to: Supply electric hot water heater with hot water from boiler?? posted by George on December 05, 2003 at 18:59:01:
You could use the electric water as a storage tank
for the boiler's tankless coil. It's done quite
often. That would give you greater capacity and
would probably eliminate running out of hot water.
The tankless coil alone might not work as well for
you as it is possible to exceed the heating capacity
of the tankless coil with more than one faucet/spigot
using hot water.
As jtown pointed out, baseboard might be a better
source of heat for your addition, unless you intend
to add central A/C.
Re: Teenagers and hot water - several years ago,
when I had two teenagers trying to use up all the
hot water in the house, I would time them. After
15 minutes I would turn off the hot water supply to
the shower in the basement. They got the message.
Just be sure you don't do something like that when
it's your wife in the shower or you'll be sleeping
on the sofa for a week.