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Posted by pmaher on November 03, 2004 at 18:55:15:
In Reply to: Water temp abnormally high posted by Matt in NE Ohio on February 19, 2004 at 12:55:06:
I agree with the first respondent that the aquastat which has your temperature control setting may need to be turned down. Depending on the unit, these have a sensor that extend into the pipe. Depending on how old the aquastat is, there may be build-up or deposit on the sensor. It takes more heat to go through the deposits to reach the sensor, thus giving a potential false reading to your aquastat. 220 degrees is above boiling and the water in the line is expanding at a high rate, and is harmful to your system. As the other respondent suggested, turning the aquastat down will "fool" the furnace into thinking it has reached it's optimum operating temperature, ie. it may take more heat to work its way through the deposits on the sensor to activate the aquastat. By turning the aquastat down to 160 degrees perhaps will trick the furnace into generating enough heat at 180 degrees to work through the deposits thus tripping the sensor. It should be noted, this is a temporary fix and professional repair may be warranted in the future.