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Posted by Dave on October 29, 2004 at 09:06:42:
In Reply to: Re: No banging, but leaks? posted by HeatPro on October 28, 2004 at 10:26:38:
I will check the vents for leaks. Hopefully, that wil be it, but I'm doubtful. Can't imagine what the alternative cost of finding and fixing an underground leak would be.
Also, I will see if the contractor will address the issue of the boiler not holding enough water.
Thanks for your help - Dave
: As the boiler is not over-filling, that is a definite indication of leaks, often in an underground condensate return line or steam being lost from bad vents. Just about all water returns to the boiler in the burner off-time
: in non-leaking systems. That is why homeowners only have to add very little water when blowing down the LWCO weekly.
: The burner should shut off before hitting low water. That it is not is an indication that the new boiler does not hold enough water to fill the system without calling for more water. Weil addresses that in some bulletins by adding a vessel to hold more water at the water line through a tank and pipe arrangement.
: You have a combination of the two problems; a most likely reason for needing a new boiler as fresh water corrodes the boiler by bringing in oxygen.