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Posted by HeatPro on October 15, 2004 at 17:37:58:
In Reply to: Can the Hi-limit Pressuretrol be the main controller? posted by Dee on September 30, 2004 at 09:33:42:
: I have the cut-in set at 0.5 psi and the Hi-limit at 1.5 psi.
>>>The differential is the difference between these two settings.
: My questions are should there be a seperate "Main" pressuretrol, or is the L404C it?
>>>Homeowners have 'gotten over' with only having one presssure control for decades; the inspectors make more sense by having all commercial boilers have a manual reset backup pressure control if the operating control fails.
Also, I've read that the L404C operates between 2 and 15 psi: Will it work set at 1.5, or even 1.0?
: I don't see anything that says "Differential" anywhere.
>>> Many successfully set it to lower pressures; but can settle for 2.5 high and 1.
: Thanks for any information on these settings as I've read many times in your forums that a psi over 1 is probably not neccessary.