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Posted by marc on September 03, 2004 at 11:07:39:
Hi, I bought an old appartement building of 3 stories + basement 2 years ago, this will be my third winter in it. The gas bills for heating are ridiculous (8500$ per year) and they were half lower when I bought but there were only 1 occupant then while now 6 people are living in the building of about 1200 sqfeet per sotories.
The furnace is fairly old (about 20 yers) and the hot water heating cost during summer are low so the expensive heating costs really come from the furnace
Basically I want to reduce the costs and got a few questions :
1- is 20 years old for a natural gas furnace and can it be unefficient because of it's age ?
2- Should I keep the water warm in the radiators all the time during winter or is the use of an automatic thermostat (shut off during day then start at night then shutt off then start in morning ect...) is energy
efficient ?
3-Is the use of gimmicks like thermnostatic radiator valves are cost efficient ? what about econoJet see :http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=20598&item=5918042116&rd=1&ssPageName=WD2V
4-feel free to give any suggestions you may have... thanks