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Worcester 240 pilot solenoid valve problem

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Posted by David on August 10, 2004 at 09:33:36:

My Mum has been having some real trouble with her worcester 240 combi boiler. It would not start (flames) when the demand light came on, and when it did start it would turn off randomly and not come back one. Everything appears to be be running fine only the flames would not light.

She got an approved gas person out to look at it and he doesn't have a clue what's up with it. He started changing parts hoping it would work, and then thought it was an electrical problem.

As I am an electrical engineer I thought I'll fix it.

First thing I found was the HV spark wire was burnt through in places and the spark was normally anywhere but the tip. I temporarily fixed that so that it now sparks at the tip and set the distance right, should be 5mm, was less than 1mm. (Don't know how the approved guy could have missed that)

It still wouldn't light. The pilot solenoid doesn't appear to be clicking. I traced the pilot valve supply and it has 230v on it. Took the plug off and the 230v is getting through. Measured the resistance and it was open ciruit.

Should the pilot solenoid click?
Is it a simple coil? or is there more to it?
Does it need to be replaced with the main valve / modureg?

It appears as if it could come off without removing the main valve, it turns and slides back and forward slightly.

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