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Posted by Walter Goodman on July 29, 2004 at 17:33:07:
#1--Does anyone know about this control? We have one installed from before we bought the house, which is a four-story brownstone with one-pipe steam and a fairly new Weill-McCann boiler. Two of the floors are rental apartments. The heating technician (electrical) who saw it says it is not in use, as it is bypassed with a regular programmable thermostat. The LED's however show some activity. There is apparently an outdoor sensor and a sensor at the steam return. It seems like a lot of technology to sit unused, and the question is could it potentially help us to conserve energy? (Gas bills are killing us) If not, why did the previous owner install it? Where could I look to find the manual?
#2--Is there a web or other resource for helping a homeowner do an energy audit? Specifically, I want to arrive at the therms per degree day for several years running by plugging in my usage, with information on degree days in New York City for past years. (My usage for a two-month period nearly doubled in 2004 vs. 2002.)