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Posted by hydroncinetwofk.net on June 04, 2004 at 14:29:17:
In Reply to: aquastat high or low limit posted by joanne on June 04, 2004 at 10:03:15:
: what is the difference between a high and a low limit aquastat on a steam boiler. which one is supposed to be used
A high limit aquastat is not used on a steam boiler. As residential steam boilers are designed to run at 1 psig, the boiling point of 215F would be constant. A pressure control stops the boiler from firing beyond the necessary pressure.
A low limit can be used on a boiler to control the boiler water temperature around a tankless coil that supplies hot water to the home. If there is no call for heat, a low limit set at 200F can keep the boiler water warm enough to provide hot water even though there is no longer a demand for heat from a thermostat upstairs.