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Posted by hydronicnetwork.net on June 01, 2004 at 15:40:18:
In Reply to: Aluminum vs. Stainless Exchanger? posted by Dave on June 01, 2004 at 14:25:44:
I have not seen any complaints about failure of boilers made of these materials; partly IMO because of the short time they have been available. Automobiles have had aluminum blocks for decades and problems with them have been documented, examined and compensated for. Stainless steel should be no problem with gas boilers and some European condensing boilers for oil have used stainless steel for a decade now. Oil primary exchangers and gas furnace secondary exchangers have used stainless far longer here.
Generally, these materials are used because steel and cast-iron (ferrous) corrode and rust in condensing applications. The choice is pretty much to not use condensing heaters or do so with stainless and aluminum.