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Posted by Ken S. on May 13, 2004 at 08:25:42:
It's kicking off more and more and when I poke the reset, it fires with alot of nasty smelling smoke coming out of it. Will an annual tune-up solve my problem? Should the tune-up consist of the following:
A proper "tune-up" includes a thorough cleaning of the heat exchanger or boiler flue passages, cleaning and inspecting the flue pipe, inspecting the chimney, cleaning and adjusting the burner, replacing the nozzle and filter, cleaning and adjusting the blower (if forced-air) and finally and very importantly firing the unit and adjusting it using a combustion test kit. This should take 1-1/2 to 2 hours.
My company charges 129.00 for this...is this a good value?
Thank you
Ken S.