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Posted by dm on April 06, 2004 at 18:08:07:
Where should I have main vents installed, I have a 2" main that runs 55' through the rear of the house which feeds 7 rads then drops down to a 1" return and comes back to the boiler. The other 2" main splits off the first one at the riser and goes 25' through the front, feeds 5 rads then drops to a 1" and returns to the other side of the boiler. Can I put the vents at the end of the 1" return back at the boiler room before it drops into the dry return or do they have to be at the end of the 2" mains?(there is not enough height at the ends of the 2" to put 6" nipples and a vent). The rads don't hiss but the far rads don't get very hot unless I take off vents (Gorton D's). Also, should I have wet return drains installed while they're installing the main vents?
Any help would be appreciated.