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Posted by JRD on March 24, 2004 at 17:42:33:
I have a Model SS2 side wall vent system installed for my BIAS B10 boiler and EZ-1Carlin burner.
I am getting a loud thundering noise coming from the stack pipe and power vent system. It does not happen all of the time, but when it does it sounds like a large jet is flying over my house. I have had two service technicians check out the boiler and burner and they say that everything is set to the manufacturers specifications.
I have read the installation instructions and I did not see the technicians perform the draft adjustment per the procedure for oil equipment on page 16 of the venting system instructions.
Because this does not happen all of the time, could it have something to do with a down draft due to barometric pressure at the time of the noise.
I really need to get this problem fixed because sometimes it happens in the middle of the night and wakes everyone up.