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Posted by Harold hydronicnetwork.net on March 17, 2004 at 17:31:10:
In Reply to: short or long cycles which is better? posted by george on March 17, 2004 at 09:45:18:
: Which is cheaper to run?
The long cycle is cheaper to run due to INERTIA. a steady state motor uses less energy than a motor under start-up amps. Likewise, a flame that can be established and run under steady conditions is more efficient (meaning there is less smoke and better air mixture with the fuel.) Every time an oil burner starts, there is a fraction of a second where it is not burning optimally - multiply that by 100-fold during the day as in your start-stop situation. Increae the amount of smoking, and you increase clean-out requirements and sevice replacement of worn parts straining to start and stop.
: Which is better on the furnace?
It is easier for a motor and gears to run steady than under frequent overcoming and then WASTING inertia.
: Which is more comfortable?
A long cycle with the right amount of radiation and the right size input burner is most comfortable. The length of the cycle will change as the weather changes because the thermostat reacts to the room temperature which is also the result of the outdoor temperature.