Steam Boiler Losing a Lot of Water!

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Posted by Breenie on November 15, 2001 at 04:59:30:

I have read the postings back to '99 and have tried a few suggestion to find the leak, but nothing. All of my pipes are visible. All of my valves are closed. I have an old Burnham Boiler that uses a one-pipe wet return system and everytime I crank up the boiler (gas powered), the water level slowly starts to drop and eventually bottoms out after 3-4 hours. That's when my burners shut off and I have to refill the boiler. Is there anything I could possibly be doing wrong? Even after I shut off the boiler, water has never returned to it. I just bought a house three weeks ago with the boiler in it, so this is a new experience for me.

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