Posted by Ed getz on September 26, 2000 at 11:02:21:
Was installed 2/15/2000==Contains a McDonnell/Miller Probe type Lo-Water Cut-Off.The L.W.C.O is mounted @ a height of 26",from Floor Level. The recommended Water-Level FILL HEIGHT is 26 7/8"!! ERGO if Water level fLUCTUATES A MERE 1 1/4"s==the burner shuts down!! AND
will not restart until water level is raised above the
1 1/4" drop.The other 2 boilers (30yrs old) I have at
my location DO PROVIDE for a 4" water level variation
before shuting down!!I need a consensus of opinions
to resolve my problem!!McDonnell/Miller says that
Weil McC;lain engineering can only solve problem!! My burner Service person states that the PROBE is located TOO HIGH===(Only 7/8"s below the recommended
FILL LINE level established by Weil/McClain!!
Weil/Mclain local EXPERT claims nothing is wrong.Claims I dont understand that looking at water level height in the sight glass is Misleading me!
In other words Weil/McClain is pulling a Pontious
Pilate on me by washing their hands of giving me
an answer to my question!! Why do I have a full
4" variation in my other boilers===Whereas McClain only provides for a 1 1/4' varation?? PLEASE HELP???
E Getz @ THANX