Re: Weil Mclain Boilers problems (water)

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Posted by Robert Issa on November 11, 2001 at 11:44:25:

In Reply to: Weil Mclain Boilers problems (water) posted by Dan monigold on November 08, 2001 at 12:01:45:

: Six years ago I purchased a new Weil Mclain GV5 hot water boiler for my two story farm house. The boiler worked fine for 5 years and then began to shut down frequently. The original installer had retired so I contacted a new installer. The new installer worked by phone with Weil Mclain and determined that the boiler was un repairable. Weil Mclain eluded to the fact that the boiler may have not been installed properly but also gave the impression that the boiler may have been defective. Weil Mcalin agreed to send a new GV5 at no charge. I had to pay for installation ( second time in 5 years). The new boiler arrived and was in stalled. the first indication that the original boiler may have had design problems was that the new systm was very different ( 2 internal punps and a completly new way to mix return water with heated water at the exchanger as well as a cross over pipe at water "to" and "from "system pipes) these changes gave me the impression that weil mclain may have had some problems with the original design . Is this true and does anyone else out their have any more info ?. Also the new system will not heat all of my radiators. The insaller has returned to install more zone valves to force flow to the cold radiators but it still doesnt work. I have bled air from the system and have had a automtic bleeder installed also .I understand the effects of air in the system and have delt with it in the past None of the radiators act air locked and i dont think the problem is air related. The redesign water mixing system is designed to prolong the life of the water jackets but I cant help but wonder if this is somhow affecting the ability of the system to circulate water as well as their old system. the system seems to circulate only in closest radiators ( they get very hot)Currently my installation bill is exceding $1500.00 and this system barely heats my house. I contacted Weil Mclain for help but they will not give technical help directly to a consumer. I am getting very frustraited. would aapreciate any feedback

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