Posted by jtown on October 01, 2001 at 07:54:09:
In Reply to: Many Questions about Purchase of New Gas-Fired Steam Boiler posted by Paul on September 30, 2001 at 18:08:36:
I'd trust any of those boilers, despite the brochure hype. If you are stuck with a damp basement you want one made rugged. 271 sqft and 317 is not much different. You should add up your radiation yourself since your in this deep. Go to for a radiation explanation and tables (local HVAC supplier not in your area). Round up to the next size available boiler for drier steam and ample water. The heat loss of the bldg is immaterial. The blr will burn dry or flood if all the water goes upstairs to feed too much EDR. Don't count on a big jump in efficiency. Save your money for a hot water conversion if you want to go for that. You will probably gain a few percent of your fuel bill. Even if you save 10% of your $1200 fuel bill volt setup for no electric. If you have a big family you will have a better payback on the domestic hot water. I hope your boiler doesn't come on in the summer to pre-heat the water. Where I live, gas is still 1/3 the cost of electric so if you are 1/2 handy and have that cost difference (and use much DHW) you should look at soldering in a $175 free standing gas heater if nothing else. Being in a small town is immaterial, unless the nearest supply house is 200 miles away. The industry is geared for fast response to limit freezing damage etc. It makes more sense to bid around when things are slow, not heating or air conditioning start-up seasons. If you have a bunch of doors on your boiler from the coal days, make sure they are sealed shut and don't allow air into the boiler. You are not being diversified much with two fuels unless they are switchable for your heat ro DHW. If electric and gas are both deregulated and everyone keeps jumping on gas, the price gap will probably narrow. I assumed you are on a natural gas pipeline and not LP.