Piping the Equalizer

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Posted by Joe V on July 27, 2001 at 03:44:55:

I am replacing a Bryant with a Dunkirk 112MBH(they are identical units as Dunkirk makes the Bryant). The old Bryant had the equalizer run directly up into the bottom of the riser tee which was on the end of a 6" nipple off the side of the unit. The old riser ran straight up from the tee into a single steam main (in effect there was no header). This seemed to work fine for 25 years. Now the Dunkirk instructions call for a header to be installed with the riser entering on one side and the equalizer on the other. I would rather pipe it the way the old Bryant was as I am tight for space. Will I damage anything if I do not put in a header? P.S. the instructions do not say anything about the use of copper piping. Can copper be used anywhere?

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