Posted by John R. Venrick on July 16, 2001 at 17:07:32:
In Reply to: Re: Harold Kestenholtz posted by Leon on April 26, 2001 at 23:50:04:
I have a Weil-McLain propane Boiler that uses propane. The price of propane in the So. Puget Sound WA area went up as high as $1.81/gal. Just a half a tank cost me $477.84 w/ tax. I typically use 3 tanks a year. Mainly in the Fall and Wintger mos, i.e. Oct. thru March.
An online calculator ( figures at my local electric and propane prices the cost of 100,000 BTU is $2.48 for LP and $1.81 for electricy. $1.32/gal of propane = .062/KWH.
I want to install an electric water heater/boiler
to switch over too when energy prices change to favor power over propane. Have you ever heard of this being done and can you aim me in the right direction?
Thanks. John