Posted by art blanchette on March 22, 2001 at 08:57:14:
In Reply to: steam traps posted by tom mckelley on December 11, 2000 at 15:43:05:
There are different types of steam traps the more common being float and thermosthat or F&T traps. Traps do as the name implies, traps (stops) steam from traveling beyond the trap location IF properly located and installed. A trap should allow the air ahead of the steam to vent past the trap until steam arrives. The trap employs a thermosthat similar to your cars thermosthat. When steam reaches the thermosthat it closes preventing steam from traveling beyond it's point of need. As steam converts back to condensate it will lift the float in an F&T trap and flow towards the reciever (hopefully). The condensate will feel as hot as the steam supply line the closer you are to the trap. There should only be a few degree diff. on either side of a working trap. And yes the condensate should be hot returning to the boiler return.
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