Steam Radiators-4 coils heat 3 stay cool

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Posted by jon on February 04, 2000 at 19:23:10:

I have a single pipe steam system in an older (1930's) two family. The boiler is a 10yr old Burnham. All of the radiators heat but three of the five will only heat about half way through, three or so coils stay cold. I have changed the vents on all of them with no luck. I recently pitched the radiators since 2 of the three were perfectly level. Could there be a clog? If so how would I go about clearing it from the radiator? Can I take what appears to be a plug off of the end opposite from the feed end?

Also, are there differences between quality of valves? I can get valves from Home Depot for about a third of what I can get from the local plumbing supply. The valves form the plumbing supply have variable apertures while the Home Depot are fixed aperture sizes. Is that why they are so much more expensive? If so are they worth it?

Thank you in advance for your time and help


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