Posted by Jasenka Diminic on December 24, 2000 at 10:49:57:
Thanks to Tom, JTown and Harold for advice re; message posted on 12/12/00. In the meantime,I had a plumber come and inspect the system for leaks. He checked all the radiators for steam/condensate loss and main return lines for blockage. There was no problem with either radiators or return lines. He then opened the access doors on the boiler to check the "baffles" and could not see any evidence of boiler leaking. He suggested to "watch the water level" for another 2 weeks to see if the system would stabilize and I would not have to top it off so often. I also went outside and watched the chimney for the white smoke (water vapor) but did not see anything coming out.Is there anything else that could be leaking and the plumber did not check it out? Should I get a "second opinion"? How do I find a plumber who knows 2-pipe steam system well? I was told that the systems are"tricky". I cannot rest assured that everything is fine, because the system is still loosing water. Please respond! I am desperate by now! Happy Holidays.