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BOOST Consulting Inc., Vermilion, Alberta, Canada Free Listing
Service, Troubleshoot and Repair of Steam and Glycol Boilers. Steam generators and related water softeners.
Phone (403) 853-4534 , fax (403) 853-6178, or send an e-mail.
Canadian Boiler Industries Inc., Canada Free Listing
Alberta & Saskatchewan Manufacturers reps
for Cleaver-Brooks, Ajax, Fulton, PowerFlame, Cannon Boiler Works,
QuikWater, ITT Fluid Products.
Send an e-mail.
Heatech Inc., Canada Free Listing
Alberta Reps for Parker Boilers, Boilersmith, Universal Boiler Works, Industrial Combustion, Cain,
Madden, Combustion & Energy - COMBUSTION EXPERTS - for all your boiler room needs.
RENTAL BOILERS - trailer and skid mounted
8916 44th Street SE, Calgary, AB, T2C 2P6
ph. (403) 279-1990
fax. (403) 236-5145
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British Columbia
Canadian Engineered Products & Sales, Delta, B.C. Canada Free Listing
A manufacturers representative for: Cleaver Brooks, Cannon Boiler Works,
Power Flame, Peabody Engineering, Fulton Boiler Works, Ajax Boiler, and Penn Seperator.
Contact us at (604) 940-8188, fax (604) 940-8189.
New Brunswick
Zwicker's Boiler Services Ltd., West Boudreau, New Brunswick Free Listing
We sell new and used boilers,parts, and related equipment. We rent portable boiler rooms, and related equipment.
ph: 1-506-532-5988
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Johnson Paterson, Inc, Aurora, Ontario, Canada Free Listing
Johnson Paterson is a leader in sales, service, design, installation and repair of
commercial and industrial heating, production steam, dust collection and air movement
systems. We represent Cleaver Brooks, Fulton Boiler Works, DCE dust collector company
as well as numerous other companies who pride themselves on being tops in their
particular markets. We are located at:
115 Engelhard Road
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
L4G 3V1
(905) 727-0084
Fax: (905) 727-2408
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Imbotec Group, Brampton, Ontario, Canada Free Listing
Imbotec specializes in Steam & Condensate systems for Industrial installations from Paper Mills,
Petrochemical to the Clean Steam Biotechnical sectors. We provide solutions for new installations
but also specialize in improving or retrofitting existing under performing systems to their peak
potentials. We represent Nicholson and Spence for their steam traps, pressure regulators, temperature
regulators, pilots, steam & air separators, de-superheaters, strainers, condensate pumps, etc.
Contact us at; 905-450-1746, fax 905-488-8681 or
click to send an E-Mail.
Roco Industrie Inc, Beauport, Quebec, Canada Free Listing
In the Boiler business since 1990. We represent Boilersmith, I.B.I. , Universal Boiler
Works and and Man B&W german blue flame burner. Also we sell Sioux Steam Washer. We
can be reach at phone (418) 666-0008, Fax (418) 666-0711, or send an e-mail.
Canadian Boiler Industries Inc., Canada Free Listing
Alberta & Saskatchewan Manufacturers reps
for Cleaver-Brooks, Ajax, Fulton, PowerFlame, Cannon Boiler Works,
QuikWater, ITT Fluid Products.
Send an e-mail.
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